jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

Write about your favourite piece of technology

My favorite peace of tecnology is my play station 3

i got it about four years or five years ago, i don''t remember

i use it whit a joisctick that is a device that let you controle what is happening in the tv, that at the same time is connected to the play station 3

Now, i actually don't use it very much, because of the university i don't have too much time for use it, so in the holidays i use it very much.

I like it because is very funny, there is a lot of game that you can play on it, and also i can play online, so sometimes i play online whit my friends.

My life without it would be the same, but sometimes when  i will bored, i will miss it very much.


Sergio Micco Aguayo, lawyer, politician and
academic Chilean .He was vice president of the Christian Democratic Party ofChile in 2004 and 2008 and President of the Christian Democratic Youth of

He studied law at the University of Concepcion , where he was president of the Student Federation (ESF ) 1985-1986 . He earned a Masters in Political Science at the Catholic University of Chile and a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Chile.

He has wrote three books: "we all wanted to be heroes". "they announced your death", "leave presidentialism?"

He is professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Chile. Previously he taught at Stanford University , home to Latin America, the Catholic University of Chile , University of Talca and Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

He is a director of the National Human Rights Institute ( NHRI ) , elected by the deans of the law schools of the universities of the Council of Rectors and autonomous universities , for the period 2014-2019 .

I like him, because he is a very good teacher, i'm agree with his politicas posture, i like too much his class, and i listen him in the radio

Evaluation of your Blogging Experience

-My evaluation about the blogging experience is very positive, because is a new kind of evaluation in foreing languages that let us write about differents topics and this make that the learning experience be more funny. I feel that my skills has developted very much, because when i have to write about something, there is ideas and words that i don't know how to write it in english and i have to look for the thanslation for this words and ideas, and this way i learn, and increase my english vocabulary. In the future i would like to include new things related to the carreer, for example, write some peace of text of any subject that i have to read in englis, and translate this text, this way i can translate complicated words that are very used in this kind of text and i don't know how to translate them. I would like to write about news and thing that are happening in this moment in Chile, also i would like to write about sport, football, the chilean championship, my favorite team. Also it would be interesting write an historic text in english, for example write a text in english about pinochet times, the armed in this time in Chile. Also i would like the world cup of Mexico 86', for example.